Chairman: Judy de Haas
Treasurer: Nigel Hills
Secretary: Katy Michael
1. The Chairman opened the Meeting by welcoming all those attending and by thanking
the Committee tor their support over the past year.
2. Apologies were received from Janna Tarma, Sean Paterson, Andrea Ruggeri, Ewan
McPherson and Kale Richardson.
3. The Minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting were accepted as accurate.
4. The Accounts were passed around for scrutiny. lt was noted that they are very
The income is derived from (a) members fees and (b) donations, generally from film companies.
The Accounts were accepted.
5. There having been no application forthe role of Chairman of the Association, Judy de
Haas agreed to continue. She was warmly thanked. There was a unanimous vote for
the other members ofthe Committee. Two new members, Natalie Cutler and Annie
Armandias, volunteered to join the Committee and they were welcomed.
6. Neighbourhood Watch
Nigel Hills as Chair of Holland Ward Sector Working Group reported on the Safer
Neighbourhood Scheme, a Sector Working Group in the Scheme. The Groups
discuss police priorities, such as robbery, theft from vehicles etc. Holland Ward
includes the sector on the far side of Holland Road. 90% ofthe issues relating to Safer
Neighbourhood occur in those streets. However, the Opera Holland Park season
required a trebling of the team patrolling in cars and on foot. Petty thefts by and from
school children (mainly mobile phones) have resulted in police and PCSOs (community
support otticers) taking patrolled routes around Holland Park and Cardinal \/aughan
schools. There is a new scheme to look after the elderly.
7. Planning Matters
The dilapidated state of No. 78 had been reported tothe Council, but the Committee
was advised that this was not the responsibility of RBKC. It was noted that No. 3l
was also shabby.
No 66 had withdrawn its planning application (noted in the 2008 minutes)
No. 25 had plants growing on the balcony which were considered a hazard. This had
been reported to RBKC).
The successful planning application for the Halcyon Hotel required the developers to
provide 4 affordable units elsewhere. The Council has not given an answer as to
whether these have been built and where.
The cumulative effect of the excavation of the basements and gardens of many houses
in the area has not been properly examined. lt was noted that, although the
Committee would like RBKC to give some direction, they are currently not receptive.
A resident at no. 75 at the 2nd floor had erected burglar bars on the fire escape. The
Community Security Office could offer advice
8. Parking
The unused motorcycle bay outside No. 64 Holland Park has been raised with the
relevant department of the Council. A response was received advising that this will be
reviewed, but no action has yet been taken.
Discussion took place on what measures might be taken to calm traffic in the Southern
section of Holland Park. Stop signs would not be permitted unless an accident had
already happened. Similarly, bumps would not be introduced. Further end-on
parking would require Holland Park to be one way, and this was not supported.
9. Rubbish dumping
lt was noted that Nos. 70 and 89 did not comply with the rubbish collection dates.
Possible action is to contact “Streetline”. The name of the person spoken to should be
noted, and followed up to see what action taken. The RBK&C will open the rubbish to
reveal the names of offenders.
10. Communication
The Committee is conscious that communication with Residents is currently difficult.
A website is running on test. lt will offer points of contact, sources for queries to be
answered. lt will also offer information about the HPRA, the history of the area, useful
links, Fire, police, the Ward police team etc. lt could also contain information about
local traders, e.g. estate agents, plumbers, useful contacts. The website addresses
are HPRA.org.uk, and hollandparkresidentsassociation.org.uk.
11. Bus Stop
It was suggested that the bus stop on Holland Park Avenue to the east ofthe junction
with Holland Park should be moved so that it does not impede the view of oncoming
traffic for those exiting from Holland Park.
12. Congestion Charge
lt was noted that the Mayor for London had removed the extra fuel rate of £25 for 4 x 4
cars, and that he indicated a commitment to remove the Western Extension inclusion
in the Congestion Charging Zone - probably in March/April next year. lt was also
noted that a public consultation will be launched on the subject.
Date of next Annual General Meeting: This will be held on Monday 17th May 2010. |