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Local information and useful advice for the residents of Holland Park and Holland Park Mews (W11)
Holland Park Residents Association AGM minutes, Monday 13th June 2016


The Chairman welcomed all those present and also listed apologies. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


No representative of the Police was available, but, on the security front, Judy De Haas reported that her tyres had been slashed, and another member reported a case of deception where someone had tried to force their way into the flat of an 87 year old under false pretenses.


Councillor Rock Feilding- Mellen reported that both the Odeon development and Dukes Lodge had been granted consent. The negative aspect of this was the loss of community infrastructure levy totalling approximately £3.5 million. The Chairman noted that he had asked Dukes Lodge developers to attend but they were not available. They have stated that they will consult in September and may attend a later meeting. Parking had been approved with underground parking (plus residents’ parking permits for 23 flats instead of the 24 homes that were in Duke’s Lodge). It appears that one permit per person residing in a property at least 4 nights per week is the rule, although it is uncertain how this would be enforced.

A new planning policy has been implemented with fewer hours of construction on a Saturday plus severe restrictions on noise.

Holland Park: The terrace to Holland House will be resurfaced and a new service road skirting the seating area outside the cafe will be built. This plan will be open to consultation from June 22nd. The lavatories in the stable block will be upgraded.

Housing Estate Regeneration

Warwick Road Estates
Some residents applied for the depot to be listed, which application was rejected, but the application caused delays. New proposals are being put forward by the Architect for a unit half the size of the current one with retail, office and green space plus 300 new homes. Looking to provide housing for low-to-middle income households. All Council tenants will be offered a home, and leaseholders will be offered a share of equity purchase.

Barlby & Treverton project: A number of options were worked up over the last year or so, and a recommendation for 300 – 400 new homes comes to cabinet in July.

Trellick Tower & Edenham Way redevelopment: A planning application for ± 100 units (50 affordable) is being considered. 5 developers asked to submit proposals.

Silchester Estates redevelopment (Latimer Road Tube station): CBRE appointed as lead advisers on the project. On-going consultations with local and interested parties are taking place, with it being envisaged that some sort of direction will be identified during the course of next year. Redevelopment could lead to a large number of new homes.

The Councillor stated that the petition calling for the Council to stop forcing tenants of their homes was totally untrue. Existing tenancies will always be protected to help maintain mixed communities within the RBKC.
North Kensington Library on Ladbroke Grove will be kept, and the RBKC has given an undertaking on this score. A new, larger library will be built nearby on 4 floors, with the top including space to rent out to help pay costs. A Youth Club will also be included. The old building will be rented to a prep school for a useful sum (2019). The Council was endeavouring to use space more wisely in order to invest in libraries and parks. There was now £12 million to invest in state schools, helped by renting space to private schools.

The right of Council tenants to purchase their properties was sending £30 to £50 million to government each year. Currently 1,800 people were in temporary accommodation in the borough.

David De Haas asked whether large houses in the area can still be sold for single occupancy. The Councillor said that the amalgamation of two / multiple flats into one was being discouraged as the Borough needs accommodation.


A member suggested that residents might like to share information on a voluntary basis on line. Someone might email a question, perhaps asking for details of good workmen, and a chat group could be established for this purpose.


These were presented with the Minutes and by the Treasurer, Mrs. Katy Michael. No contributions were requested as funds were stable. It was suggested that members might wish to email suggestions regarding charitable donations.


Since the restrictions on size, applications had slowed. Nos. 2 and 3 Holland Park had reached an agreement on the work No. 2 will take approximately 2 years to complete. No. 13 is now one house, not 4 apartments.


This is due to re-open in August, as agreed. Penalties will apply if it opens late.


Judy De Haas stated that Suez has now taken over, charging £96 per annum for twice monthly collections, 3 bags only.


There will be a consultation for between 8 and 9 months. This is a TfL issue, and the Chairman was not optimistic regarding the outcome.


The committee would like the Council to move the barriers 2 to 3 metres south to stop bicycles becoming a hazard as they exit Holland Walk.


North and South Holland Park were being used as speedways but sleeping policemen were not a popular option. Another form of calming-device might be appropriate with both roads being treated equally to stop motorists moving from one to the other.


This will open in November.

NOS. 67 and 78:

Members reported these properties as “derelict” and asked whether owners could be asked to maintain their properties. The Council tries to encourage owners to do so, but resists legal action as it is so expensive.

The next AGM will be on Monday, June 12th 2017 at the Ecology Centre.

All Committee members with the exception of Natalie Cutler offered themselves for re-election, which was approved. The Chairman accepted Mrs Cutler’s decision with regret and thanked her for her years of service to the HPRA.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.40 p.m.


Houses Waterfall Lord Holland Holland Park Tube Station
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