Chairman: Judy de Haas
Committee: Annie Armandias, Namlie Cutler, Ciannet Tate, Katy Michael
The meeting began with an address by Sofia Lambert of the Ladbroke Association who had agreed to speak on the subject of Basements, She told die meeting that the Council maintained that complaints on the digging out of basements were “anecdotal” and a survey bore this out. 2,000 questionnaires were sent, 60 responses. A report is on the Ladbroke Assn. website. The conclusion was that they cannot be stopped but the experience for neighbours must be made more tolerable, A code of practice had been drawn up and encouraged by Councillor Julio Mills, but squashed by Daniel Moylan. Now the Council were taking it up again, A Consultation Paper is currently available for comment. Ms. Lambert suggested that individual
accounts be given to the Council.
The Council was dubious about its legal powers in the case of disputes. particularly with regard to structural problems caused by building works. A very slight movement, i.e. less than 1 mm, is permissible. The dificulties arose with had builders and more movement than expected. Party wall agreements need strengthening. The Party Wall Act looks good but there are dificulties obtaining agreement and matters often go to court. There is little guidance. Surveyors are extremely cautious and the Govemment does not want legislation. Local and General Government legislation recommendations are required. In this, the Better Basement Group is now involved, It is now possible, and advisable, for Bonds to be agreed and lodged through party wall agreements. You can also ask to be put on the insurance policy ofneighhours’ builders as a safeguard. The Department for Communities and Local Government is a good port of call in these matters.
Councillor Warwick Lightfoot asked whether English Heritage was involved. Ms. Lambert replied that listed
buildings are protected but stated that home owners should enquire whether the next door building was listed too. The Council should be aware of these issues and respond. There had been a case of valuable frescoes being damaged by such works.
1. Chairmnan’s Remarks
The Chairman thanked Ms. Lambert for her invaluable insight into the issues of basements and then
proceeded to introduce the committee and welcome Councillor Lightfoot. She thanked the member of the
organising committee for their support and Pascal Rouveyre for updating the website although more work
was needed. She also thanked Nigel Hills who had so kindly helped file our tax retums.
The Chairinan felt that the area had changed with many properties becoming second homes. It was therefore more diiiicult to raise interest in the Association. She and the conuriittee had thought ofwinding up the Association but had decided that important issues might arise in the future.
They had thought of joining Abhotsbury Road Association but it was not worth it as that Association was not
very active. Councillor Lightfoot felt that local Residents’ Associations were a strength ofthe community
and he was asked by the Chairman if he could recommend any other association with whom we could join. The Chairman would like to step down but agreed to stand again as no-one felt able to replace her.
2. Apologies for absence: Arnal and Ellie Hallak, Nicholas Drukker, Councillor Feilding-Mellen, David de
Haas,Councillor Deborah Collinson
3. Presentation of the Minutes of thc 2011 AGM. The Minutes were accepted,
4. Presentation of the Accounts for 201 1 (Katy Michael)
Receipts were made up of donations from film companies and joining fees. There was little expenditure
except a small amount on the AGM. The balance at the time ofthe meeting was £4337,00. This will bc kept
for use as a fighting fund if required.
5. Election ofthe Executive Committee
Members agreed to stand for a further year and two new members oftered to assist the committee. These
were John Cowdry, whom Katy suggested could stand as the new neighbourhood watch co-ordinator, and
Keith Raffan. Both were welcomed as members ofthe Executive Committee.
6.It was agreed that the next AGM will be on June l0th 2013.
7. Basements (see above)
8. Ward Panel
This is the interface between the police and residents and it now links what was the Neighbourhood Watch
Scheme and the Safer Neighbourhood Scheme. Mr, Cowdry agreed to take on this responsibility.
9, Road, Parking and Planning Matters.
From the floor, thanks were given to the Council for help in parking matters from Keith Raffarn Councillor
Lightfoot said that powers to tow were vital to keep order in the borough. The meeting felt it was essential to keep RBK&C as one zone for parking purposes.
10. Any Other Business
lsabelle Bass of Dukes Lodge residents’ association offered to help and also asked for collaboration. She
required information on regulated tenancies,
It was felt that younger residents could help with the website and Keith Raffan suggested a relative of his
who might he ahle to assist.
Councillor Lightfoot suggested that funds might be available to assist, but the Chairman felt we should not
take public funds for our association.
With regard to rubbish being put out on the wrong day or in the wrong place, Councillor Lightfoot told the
meeting that the CounciI’s powers were being curbed.
Keith Raffan asked whether the library budget would be cut. Cotmeillor Lightfoot stated that there would be
cuts, but felt that the Council did not always use resources well and the libraries were a case in point. £5.5
million was spent on library services in the borough, much of it in a profligate and unstructured way, He
hoped this could bc improved without a huge effect on resources.
The meeting ended at 8.25 p.m.