Chairman: Judy de Haas
Treasurer: Nigel Hills
Katy Michael
Natalie Cutler
Apologies Annie Amandias
The Chairman welcomed members and thanked the committee for their support, She explained that
the Council notihed the committee of all planning applications and asked for input from members as it
added Weight where necessary. She asked for suggestions as the Committee represents members’
The Minutes of the 2009 AGM were approved.
The Treasurer handed out copies ofthe accounts. He explained that revenue comes from filming and
subscriptions. The accounts were accepted.
The committee were re-elected with no objections
lt was agreed that the next AGM will be on Monday May 16th 2011.
Three police officers attended the meeting (The Treasurer is Chairman of Holland Ward police). PC
Hurlburt is from Pembridge Ward, PC’s Rodriguez and Alexander are from Holland Ward. They told
us that 80% of their time is spent on patroi. The largest proportion of crime is robbery, thett from cars,
theft of cars, incorrect cycling, anti-social behaviour and drugs ln the last three months they had
found many cars left unlocked in the area and under 18's were stealing from them - opportunist
crime. We do, however, have the least crime of any Ward in K&C. There had been considerable
amount of robbery recently by schoolchildren on other schoolchildren. Routes provided by the police
to schools for children to follow had lessened this considerably.
Vthth regard to cyclist committing offences such as cycling on pavements and passing red lights (230
fine), the main areas are the junction with Earls Court Road and High Street Kensington and along
Holland Park Avenue
The subject of rough sleepers and street drinkers in Notting Hill Gate was raised. The police are
aware of the problem and frequently confiscate alcohol. Arrest in winter is not a deterrent as the men
prefer to sleep in a warm cell, Outreach programmes offer financial incentives to return them to their
home country. The police would like the committee, together with other residents’ associations, to
press the Council for a bye law forbidding sleeping in the street and aiso to stop them from entering
the borough.
The question of speed cameras was raised. The police pointed out that the average speed on the
south section is 33 and a half mph and on the north section 31 mph, The Treasurer told the meeting
he had tried to get a STOP sign erected and road narrowing but this cannot happen unlessluntil an
accident occurs,
The police informed the meeting that they use traps for mobile phone users who are driving and
without seatbelts orwithout a licence. Cars can be impounded. Disabled pemiits are bought and
The police urged all members NOT to give money to beggars and handed out leaflets to this effect
together with contact details and leaflets showing how to park considerately.
Bus Stop
The subject of the bus stop called “Holland Park” was raised. its position makes it difficult to exit from
Holland Park onto Holland Park Avenue. lt cannot be moved towards Notting Hill as this would be too
far from its target location. It would help if advertisements were removed and clear glass remained
through which drivers could see oncoming traffic.
With regard to parking, nothing of import has occurred in the last 12 months. Motor cycle bays were
imposed as a borough wide policy. More cycle bays are required.
The last meeting had discussed Nos. 78 and 25 which were neglected and required refurbishment.
78 was currently being refurbished. 25 had removed trees from the top balconies but was still
derelict. The committee would like the Council to accept that listed buildings need to be maintained.
Subterranean Building
This causes noise, disruption, out of hours working and is of great concern with regard to what
happens to the fabric of the building itself and adjoining buildings. Cracking is often the result. ln
Notting Hill Gate a water course was damaged which now causes frequent flooding. A case is
pending. lt was suggested that we try to get protection from the Council of listed buildings.
Various questions were asked. Can a general approach be made to the Council? Can we ask
members who are lawyers to assist? Could we make a joint approach with other Residents’
Associations? lt was felt that we need to "lean" on the Council.
The Treasurer gave details of the website which is HPRA.org.uk and asked members to use it
frequently so that it stayed near the top ofthe list. information was handed to members. lt will
eventually have details of local shops, tradesmen etc.
A member asked whether rubbish on private forecourts was legal. lt is but it can be disturbing for
residents. The Treasurer agreed to investigate. Everyone was urged to report rubbish put out on the
wrong day to the Council, insisting on a name and a reference number for each complaint.
Estate Agents' Boards
A member asked if there could be more than one at a property. There can but they must be of a fixed
size and not fixed to stucco with nails.
There being no further business, the Chairman Closed the meeting at 20.40 p.m.