Meeting held at the Ecology Centre in Holland Park.
Apologies for absence: Pilar Estrada, Nigel Hills, Rosamond Clayton,
lsabelle Lagadrilliere Debaig, Mrs P White
The Chairman welcomed those attending and introduced the committee. She thanked Nigel Hills, a
committee member for 6 years who had recently resigned, for his superb work. She asked for volunteers,
particularly those familiar with websites. Pascale Rouveyre offered to help.
The Minutes ofthe 2010 AGM were approved and passed.
The Committee were re-elected as all had agreed to stand for a further year.
lt was agreed to hold the next AGM on Monday June 1'l‘“ 2012 at 7 p.m.
Neighbourhood Watch
Katy reported that the groups were changing and most kept in touch by email. The data base needed to be
kept upto date and interesting infomation needed to be disseminated. A DNA kit for marking property was
now available, free ot charge, from the Police.
Councillors Debbie Collinson and Rock Feilding Mellen were in attendance. Natalie asked about the cost of the free magazine detailing Council activities and the cost of the mayoral Bentley. The magazine costs
£400,000 per annum and the Bentley cost £80,000 to buy. Councillor Rock Feilding said that many people
do not have access to the internet or email and need to know what is going on in the Borough. Natalie felt
the magazine was for propaganda.
It was ascertained that Merrick Cockell, Leader ofthe Council, earns £133,000 per annum. David de Haas
felt that the Council was doing an excellent job, particularly as Kensington & Chelsea has the fourth lowest
Council Tax.
There was a discussion regarding Section 106 for public art. Councillors felt there could be a better use of
this public money, particularly for apprenticeships. Those present agreed.
Residents Associations
Justin Downes would like there to be an umbrella organisation for local residents’ associations so that there would be more weight when important matters were being discussed. This was supported by those
present. The committee agreed to take steps to contact other groups.
Natalie raised concerns, shared by many at the meeting, about the number of basements being dug in the
area as she felt these could undermine the borough. She mentioned flooding in Ladbroke Grove and
settlement cracks in Holland Fark. Councillors shared residents' conoems but said that planning laws made
it difficult for these applications to be refused as residents had a right to improve their properties. However,
they did think that a “Localism Bill” would greatly assist.
The 2010 accounts were passed by the meeting,
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8,15 p.m.